Posted on October 28, 2021

Depending on where and when one has obtained their information surrounding cannabis, a wide variety of contrasting opinions, political agendas, and research combined may only add to the confusion and stigma surrounding the plant.

As of 2021, 39 US states (plus Washington D.C.) have enabled the medical use of marijuana. An ever-growing number of businesses, doctors, researchers, scientists, politicians, and many others are rediscovering the healing properties of cannabis while utilizing it as a treatment for a number of qualifying conditions.

Harvard Health's contributor Peter Grinspoon, MD also recognized in a blog post that patients suffering from epilepsy, chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, nerve pain, Parkinson's disease, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, PTSD, nausea, weight loss, glaucoma, HIV, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s disease experienced relief without feeling "out of it and disengaged."

In Oct 2021, New York became the first state to ban employers from drug testing for cannabis or discriminating against current or potential employees for legally consuming marijuana. Off-duty cannabis use is no longer grounds for firing, not hiring, or altering an employee's compensation/benefits package. The laws and attitudes regarding cannabis are ever-changing, and we believe the terminology will evolve as well.

Old Verbiage: "Getting High"

New Verbiage: "Medicating"

No longer referred to as "getting high," now patients can simply explain that they are "medicating" with a marijuana prescription under the guidance of a state-certified doctor.

How To Get a Certification For Medical Marijuana in Florida

Marijuana Doctor is Florida’s leading provider of medical cannabis evaluations. Our board-certified physicians will determine if you may benefit from a Medical Marijuana Use Registry Identification Card. Once you’ve received your recommendation, our patient care specialists will assist you with every step of the process. Call (844) 442-0362 to speak to one of our friendly patient care specialists or schedule your appointment online at